
W6 is an open Industrial Internet of Things and digitization system that enables decision-making on a basis of accurate, rapid, and selected information for the specific use of the system to which it is applied-how it works and what the benefits are.

When better performance, energy savings, and reduced operating costs are to be achieved from a system or facility, decisions must be made: the more decisions are documented the more effective they are, and the faster decisions are made the more efficient they are.

To achieve documented decisions we need to be able to acquire information from multiple sources, multiple sources: therefore, the tool that acquires the information must be able to talk to all sources.

To make quick decisions, we must have the data from the source and the trend immediately available: the processing tool that turns data into information must work in real time and continuously.

Speed and organization are essential, but they are not enough: the information that enables us to make decisions must be clear, readable, and easy to use. So they must be available to those who use them and in an easy, understandable way so that they can be understood quickly and exploited successfully.

W6 is the answer to all these problems. It is an open Industrial Internet of Things (IOT) and digitization system that allows decisions to be made on a basis of accurate, rapid, and selected information for the specific use of the system to which it is applied. But what is meant by Industrial Internet of Things? This term refers to the use of Internet of Things technology in industrial applications, where Internet of Things stands for the technology of connected machines, smart devices and sensors. When we talk about an Open system, as we will see later, we are talking about a system that can talk to any sensor, without language and source constraints.

Industrial Internet of Things and Infrastructure

We need to make decisions effectively and efficiently: what tools enable us to do this? The first tool is connectivity: it remotely connects and enables us to know how a plant, machine, equipment is performing at any time and in real time. The second is the cloud: a digital environment where data processed by on-site systems are organized and managed by a platform that transforms them into useful directions to know. The third is the user experience of the platform: that format of reading the directions that makes them easy to understand, immediately usable for decision-making. The fourth is machine learning and artificial intelligence: the ability of a system to learn to avoid problems by automatically intervening to correct recurring difficult situations. All of this is the new dimension of the Internet of Things; it is Industrial Internet of Things.

The value of integration: what characteristics an efficient, high-performing system should have

The solution is in a word: integration. Those who want to get to decisions quickly and successfully must have a system that can integrate the flow of information from the source to the use screen and process it by highlighting its repetitiveness or exceptionality.

The solution is an organized layout in which sensors transmit data, peripherals process it into information, and the platform organizes it and makes it available to the user, who can make specific decisions to respond to occasional events or to prevent difficult situations or establish recurring procedures and ask the machine to behave autonomously in a certain way with remotely sent commands.

What is W6

W6 is an open Industrial Internet of Things and digitization system that enables decision-making on a basis of accurate, rapid, and selected information for the specific use of the system to which it is applied. This tool makes it possible to keep track of the operation of a plant, multiple plants, a compound. It gives a way to remotely manage machines. It highlights performance trends and occasional or recurring anomalies. It generates the ability to perform operations automatically when it acquires data. In a nutshell, we are talking about fundamental decision support to achieve efficiency and effectiveness. In the short and long term. Because it gives the user a way to make direct and informed choices.

How W6 acts

W6 selects, organizes, and manages information according to the user's needs to make their decisions efficient and effective and their work faster and easier. This tool provides instant access to a plant's state of the art and history to understand trends in performance, consumption, wear and tear. Not only that. W6 facilitates the diagnosis of mishaps and helps their prediction and prevention because it highlights the behavior curves of machines, plants, complexes. Last but not least, this tool creates the ability to link system or plant actions to values that are recorded on a regular basis, decreasing the number of human actions required and producing beneficial automation.

What are the benefits of using W6

The first benefit is to work with any data: it is an open system that speaks to any sensor and thus collects all possible digital data without language or source constraints, so it does not require an investment, but acquires the information from existing sources.

The second is to speed up time: work can be done anytime, anywhere, as long as connectivity is available. Knowing whether a plant is working as expected or needs intervention requires nothing more than consulting a digital platform, which can also highlight specific fault factors.

The third is to operate safely: the cloud is where data is protected by shared and extensively tested protocols, giving peace of mind to those working on facilities that serve sensitive environments for the people who reside there or the objects produced in the spaces.

The fourth is to reduce human intervention: operator action is required only when needed, no longer during diagnostics and verification, because these can be done remotely and no longer require physical presence, while value-added time, that of technical intervention, becomes well invested.

The advantages

In summary, W6 guarantees:

Improved work organization and management: workers can devote time not to searching for the data or information, but to solving the problem.

Greater precision: the choices made and operations carried out are targeted and supported by diagnostics acquired not in the confused phase of the emergency, but in the phase of observing performance evolutions and thus with more ease in recognizing what the point of interventions is.

Increased efficiency: responders know where to intervene, what to do, and how to solve the problem, because they start with hard data and an alert that has a story behind it summarized in a report.

Increased effectiveness: measurability allows for instantaneous and continuous monitoring of whether or not the interventions carried out were successful.

Fields of application

W6 lends itself to different, cross-cutting uses:

  • Tele-management and tele-assistance
  • Energy metering and energy management
  • Organization of care work
  • Scheduling of maintenance work
  • Life cycle assessment of machines and plants
  • Optimization and functional integration of systems
  • Industrial automation.

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