The data, the experience. Their secure collection, efficiency. W6 DDoS safe!

With IIoT, and W6's CyBerSecurity, data becomes a valuable and impenetrable resource for continuous performance improvement, with safeguards against DDoS attacks as well

The availability of large masses of data by means of sensor systems in the field makes it possible to evaluate the performance of industrial processes, in terms of efficiency. This can be translated into productivity, energy savings, reduced throughput time, etc. 

Often, however, due to choices normally made trying to respond to the specific needs of the moment, and as a result our installed base is heterogeneous, that is, a sum of different hardware and software architectures that do not offer a homogeneous reading of the data and do not find unambiguousness in their reading.

More. The security of industrial networks, which to date is still quite limited, is being challenged (and with it the integrity of collected data) by accidental maneuvering errors or cyber attacks in platforms that are connected to the Web but do not find adequate protection to the outside world.

Cyber attacks in 2022-described as the "worst year ever" in terms of numerosity and economic-social consequences of cyber incidents-highlighted an unprecedented surge in cybercrime, as confirmed by data from the Clusit Report 2023, the study mapping global and national trends in risk management and data protection conducted by the Italian Association for Information Security (Clusit). In 80 percent of cases, in Italy, there was damage defined as "serious" or "critical." 

As far as our world is concerned, DDoS attacks are particularly hostile. A distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack is a hostile attempt to block the normal traffic of a server, service or network by causing the infrastructure to be flooded with Internet traffic. 

The maximum effectiveness of DDoS attacks is achieved by exploiting multiple compromised computer systems as sources of attack. Machines that are enslaved for such purposes can include computers and other network resources such as IoT devices.

DDoS attacks are carried out with networks of Internet-connected machines (such as IoT devices) that are infected with malware that allows them to be controlled remotely by a malicious user. These individual devices are known as bots (or zombies), and a group of bots is called a botnet.

Because each bot is a legitimate Internet device, it can be difficult to separate attack traffic from regular traffic.

W6, natively protected from DDoS attacks thanks to its innovative technologies from the TLC industry, makes it possible to keep the network protected from any threat while continuing to ensure data continuity and integrity so that processes are not compromised.

The Editor


1. Deepening with insurance company to verify existence of a dedicated policy to protect W6

2. What are the requirements to be adopted to be in compliance with the policy conditions
